Where Grace, Love and Hope Greet You At The Door...

Court Approved

MRT Therapy Program

"Helping Others Navigate Their Life’s Journey with Grace, Love and Hope while Living out Their Purpose”

MRT Therapy Program "Moral Recognition Therapy"

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a technique used in one-on-one and group therapy environments that encourages individuals to identify the roots of their traumas and discontinue negative or detrimental behaviors. There are many different types of CBT that have been developed specifically to help people achieve certain goals along their journeys toward recovery. Recovery, in this case, can be used to describe the personal development that comes after an individual suffers from trauma, substance abuse, or other conditions. One of these types of therapy is used to help people clearly make decisions. This model is known as MRT.

How MRT Works

There are three main elements that make up MRT:

  1. Group and Individual counseling
  2. Educational materials and assignments
  3. Structured group exercises

These elements are divided into 12 to 16 steps that take about 6 to 12 months to complete. How long these steps will take primarily depends on an individual’s personal progress levels. This type of therapy will typically entail assessing a person’s relationships, confronting behaviors and attitudes, discussing beliefs, decreasing self-indulgent behavioral habits, developing frustration tolerances, developing higher levels of moral reasoning, enhancing one’s self-respect and perspective, and practicing positive reinforcement of behavior.

Our unique extended program has additional benefits in that you can be bonded and have assistance in finding employment and other resources that will assist you in rebuilding your internal and external communities. This program is more intensive and is held in high regard with Judges, Probations Officers as well as community leaders and other businesses. The goal is to have you impact your community in a positive way as well as grow, learn and give yourself grace while learning to accept grace and hope. Here at Embrace, we actually DO CARE! And believe in second chances if you are ready to DO THE WORK and become healthy.

Court Approved Class