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Court Approved

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Evaluation

"Helping Others Navigate Their Life’s Journey with Grace, Love and Hope while Living out Their Purpose”

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Evaluation

A court-ordered substance abuse evaluation is an in-depth look into the scale of one’s substance use to make a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment. These evaluations look into the type of substance, the dosage, and the frequency with which it is being used to paint a picture of their substance use history. Drug and alcohol assessments give a better idea of a substance abuser’s circumstances and the depth of substance use. It can also guide those responsible to give the best solution to the problem. All the information gathered in an evaluation can be used to help someone overcome substance abuse. When trying to know about someone’s struggle, an evaluation is the best way to get exact, accurate information. Some court-ordered substance abuse evaluations are done for medical purposes. Others are for court as well as other less common reasons. Still, before addressing the “why”, it is important to understand the “how.” At The Freedom Center in Gaithersburg, Maryland, we have all the resources for substance abuse recovery you could need to make that change in your life. Besides medical and psychiatric support, we provide other services to make your transition into sobriety easier. We also can help you with case management and legal aid should you want it. That way, you can get the treatment you need while also dealing with any legal problems, all at once.

A drug and alcohol assessment or court-ordered substance abuse evaluation is something usually ordered by a judge. It is most often requested when a case involves substance abuse and drug-related crime. Also, the substance abuse evaluation process may be part of the sentencing procedure according to the state where the crime was committed. A substance abuse evaluation for court can be required in case of drunk driving, for instance. Most cases where a drug and alcohol assessment for court might be needed are driving under the influence (DUIs); disorderly conduct while intoxicated; possession of drugs or alcohol (can apply to minors); public intoxication; drug trafficking or distribution; manufacturing and/or distribution of controlled substances; and/or use of fake IDs for purchase or consumption. For a court-ordered substance abuse evaluation or drug and alcohol assessments, some of the documents required are:


  • A report of your driving history (provided by the DMV or the DDS)
  • A copy of your assessment, in case of attending a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program (RRP)
  • Copies of arrests, arrest reports, or criminal history

Besides these documents, there will also be an interview regarding your history of substance abuse. Even if it might seem like an evaluation might get you into more trouble, that is simply not true. Not only is it the start of what could be a treatment process, but it might also benefit you legally as well. Taking a test preemptively might show you are willing to cooperate. Also, it can help a judge tell what the right penalty for you would be. They might recommend counseling, classes, or courses that might help you and help your case in the future. After the drug and alcohol assessment for is done and analyzed, the judge can make a decision. The next steps will depend on their conclusions as well as the conclusions of the practitioner. Some of the possible requirements can be:


  • 12-step/AA/NA meetings or group therapy sessions
  • Substance abuse education classes
  • Counseling sessions
  • Rehabilitation program (can be either inpatient or outpatient)
  • Random drug and/or alcohol urine testing
  • Participating in a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program (RRP)

Court Approved Evaluations